.+ CNR-CSTV * F. Pollastri * sntpconf.txt.uk * 19960304 .- ---------------------------------------------------------- SUGGESTIONS FOR SNTP CONFIGURATION
To configure SNTP for Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 or Windows NT on a PC, it is sufficient to follow these suggestions and, of course, to read the SNTP built-in help. 1. Preliminaries a. Configuration of TCP/IP on the PC on which SNTP is to be installed. b. Connection of the PC to Internet with Full Node functionality. c. Reachability through Internet of the NTP server on which to synchronize. d. Installation of file bwcc.dll or bwcc32.dll as indicated in readme.txt file of SNTP. 2. Configuration a. To start automatically SNTP, put its icon into the start windows of Windows. The SNTP shareware version available from Internet at each start open a window calling for OK. The registered version, no. b. In the following window (the main window) it must be set: - NTP Server "aaa.bbb.ccc" Internet address of the NTP server on which to synchronize, e.g. "tempo.cstv.to.cnr.it" for the CSTV server. It is also possible to use the numerical address, but it is discouraged because it changes more frequently than the symbolic address. - Initial Poll "60" Initial interval in seconds used by SNTP to query the server. 60 works well in almost cases. SNTP automatically measures the drift of the PC in comparison with the server and extends the polling interval to the maximum amplitude (but no more than 16 times the initial interval) that allows to keep the PC time offset from the server below the error specified by the Max Delta parameter. This way of working allows a rapid initial convergence of the PC time to the server time and keeps the network traffic to a minimum. - Max Delta "100" Maximum error in milliseconds between PC time and reference server time. c. Pushing the key Set TZ, the configuration window of the time zone opens, where it needs to be set: Time zone - Standard Name CET (for Italy) Name of the time zone. For Italy it is CET (Central Europe mean Time). - Daylight Saving Name CES (for Italy) Name of the day-light saving time. For Italy it is CEST (Central Europe Summer Time). Unfortunately, SNTP accepts only 3 letters (a bug). - Offset from UTC -01:00 (for Italy) Difference from UTC time (approximately UTC = GMT mean time of Greenwich meridian). For Italy it is -1. Start of Daylight Savings Time (for Italy) - Ordinal last - Day of week Sunday - Month March - Time 02:00 End of Daylight Savings Time (for Italy) - Ordinal last - Day of Week Sunday - Month October - Time 03:00 Lazy people can leave blank the start/end parameters of day-light saving time and change the offset from UTC, setting -01:00 for normal time and -02:00 for day-light saving time. Remember to repeat this operation at each change of time. Close the window giving OK. d. A NTP server query can be manually forced pushing the Set Time key in the main window. e. If the difference of time between the PC and the server is too great SNTP do not adjust the PC time. In this case, the PC time must be roughly adjusted with the DOS time command or from the control panel of Windows, differences of tens of minutes are tolerated. Then push the Set Time key in the main window to verify the PC time adjustment. ---------------------------------------------------------- .+ CNR-CSTV * F. Pollastri * sntpconf.txt.it * 19950907 .-